About Australian Winner

Australian Winner International Exhibition Pty Ltd is found 2002, locate at Sydney Australia.

The company is one of the main council members of Hong Yu Commerce (www.hycommerce.com). The primary business scope of the company are:

  • Freight Forwarding
  • Logistics and supply chain management
  • Tariff consultant (Australia and China)
  • International trade adviser
  • Online promotion (advertising and website design)
  • Business plan and marketing report of Australia and China

The company has established the international business network through the below channels:

  • Australian Winner website: one of the fastest growing free information websites written in simplified and traditional Chinese.
  • The forum is one of the biggest online Chinese communities in Australia and New Zealand region.
  • Hong Yu Commerce International Business Association: one of the worldwide business associations, most of the members from China, Australia, and other countries. Members' involving many scope of business: freight forwarding, international trade, wholesale, retail, manufacturing, publication, etc.
  • Aust Cai Hong Ying International Authors' Federation: one of the most influence Chinese literary organisations in southern hemisphere, publishing and distributing to worldwide quarterly printed magazine, many members are working as publication editors and news professional.
  • The websites of www.australianwinner.com and www.azchy.com have been collected by the PANDORA Archive of National Library of Australia (NLA07/3309). The Library will catalogue our publication and add the record to the National Bibliographic Database (a database of catalogue records shared by over 1,100 Australian libraries), as well as to our own online catalogue. This will increase awareness of your publication among researchers using libraries.

29 Nov 2007, our two websites have been considered as online publications
having national significance, and have been added the record to the
National Bibliographic Database (a database of catalogue records shared
by over 1,100 Australian libraries).

You may click the below links to view our websites from PANDORA system.



Australian Singtao News Paper published an article about the news on 04 Dec 2007.


PANDORA, Australia's Web Archive, was set up by the Library in 1996 to enable the archiving and provision of long-term access to online Australian publications. Since then we have been identifying online publications and archiving those that we consider have national significance. Additional information about PANDORA can be found on the Library's server at: http://pandora.nla.gov.au/index.html